
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Roy on IELTS Speaking

Hello IELTS folks,

Roy here, I had my speaking on the 6 th, the rest on the 8th. By the grace of God Almighty it went well.

For speaking I had Mr Robinson a very friendly gentleman interviewing me. He wanted to know about my job, what I enjoy about it. Whether I felt people have become more noisy and in what way.

For the 2nd part I was asked to describe an important decision made by me and how it affected me. He gave me 1 min to scribble and 2 mins to go blah blah ......

Mr Robinson wanted to know about the qualities world leaders should possess, if the media was affecting their work.

More about Listening, Reading and Writing later.

Thanx so much for all the warm wishes and your patience.



  • Hello Roy,

    Nice to hear from you.
    Sir Tony was all praise for you in his previous posts.

    Speaking exam, i believe is the easy branch of ielts.It takes about half a minute to settle in and then when you get going with the flow, time finishes.
    I had much trouble in the writing exam-personal problems.That is why i always advice people to be calm and forget home and office problems before coming and please do not call anyone before going in the exam hall.Something the other person says might effect your exam in a negative way!

    I shall be looking forward to your analysis of writing exam .

    By Blogger Mubs, at 2:43 AM  

  • Hi Roy!

    It seems like you handled the speaking with grace and aplomb - super work young man!

    It helped that the examiner was so approachable - they are human beings, after all!

    I'm sure you had ideas a plenty and managed the speaking test in your customary charming manner!

    You see how they EXPECT you to have ideas and opinions! I only hope Roy was not too modest and 'understated' - show off and 'sing for your supper'!


    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 1:42 PM  

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