
Monday, April 17, 2006

Ten days that shook the world (your world)

Hello warriors!

Getting ready for your results (Roy and Shaziya)?

The final push for the 27/29 April candidates is looming! So where are you?

Mubs is mystified at your supine lack of response. Dr Rashid gave up a while ago. I am not surprised at how work, family and life take over in the absence of me growling at you!

I suppose you've been making study groups and working together in the Learning Zone - oh well done!

As you can see, I am back in circulation and am getting on with my life. I might well have a new IELTS class on 29 April (?), so I have time to respond to _______________________?????????????????? Hmmmmm!

So wake up and start blogging (again or for the first time!) Use blogmember account if necessary.

Bye for now

Come on you guys!

Tony Tiger Beale


  • Mr.Tony, where do you get hold of such zestfull and colourfull words? Iam referring to "supine".

    The warriors-albeit i do not witness any, except Roy,seem to have traded their ielts swords with something less powerful.

    Prove me wrong..if iam wrong!

    By Blogger Mubs, at 9:53 PM  

  • The benefit, dear Mubs, of a classical education - I studied Latin at grammar school to O-level standard. It has proved a wonderful foundation for my love of languages.

    We do talk of 'turning swords into plough shares' after the hostilities are over, but this lot haven't really been to war yet! I also speak as a veteran of three Gulf wars!

    Never mind, it's their loss, isn't it?



    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 8:46 AM  

  • Hello Dr Rashid

    Welcome back from your mission.

    The weblog is merely a token gesture at the moment, but thank you very much for your interest.

    Best regards


    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 2:19 PM  

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