
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Write the right Roy way for IELTS

Dear IELTSians,

For Task 1 writing we had to write a letter to a friend telling about my new job. 1) Reason for changing my job
2) Describe the new job.
3) other news.

The Task 2 essay : Some people say entertainers (movie stars, pop musicians, sports people) are paid too much money. Do you agree with it or not?

Which other category of jobs do you think should be highly paid and why?

Presumably you did Task 1 first or did you do Task 2 first? What is your advice, Roy?



  • Cheers Roy!

    Task 1 seemed a 'piece of cake'!

    Task 2 we need ideas and opinions - I hope you gave plenty of examples / case studies!



    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 1:32 PM  

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