
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Yet another sample essay from Mr 'band 8' Roy

Task 2

It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be.
Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together.
Include any relevant examples from your experience.

The fact that families are no longer as tightly knit as they once were is become the global norm. This trend is so widespread in the developed nations to such an extent that families break up, at the same time it has made its presence felt in developing countries also. In this essay I will give some reasons why this departure from tradion has happened and also suggest how folks could be drawn closer together.

In the western countries the standard of living dictates that both the spouces have to work in order to meet their needs. They probably have to commute a long distance everyday which saps their energy. So the children are left alone during the day and even after the parents come back home they will be too exhausted to spend quality time with them. In the Gulf countries there are a large number of expatriates from the sub-continent who are forced to live alone due to economic factors. This is due to the unfair restriction placed on them by the qualifications of a family visa. In most of these cases the father is separated from his family geographically and his only means of communications is the telephone, postal mail or internet.

These problems faced by families can be solved if governments take a humane stand in planning cities, keeping the cost fo living to a manageable range, allowing expatriates to bring their families and so on. Allowing low cost housing facility closer to the business district will ease the problem of commuting. reventing the cost of living to spiral out of control, including that of education will allow mothers to remain at home and bring up the children. Nations that need to import skilled and unskilled workers, should ease rstriction in bringing their families. This will also be a boon to the local economy of the hostcountry. The working hours should be reduced and the working week be restricted to five days a week which, as a result will allow families much needed time to do things together.

In conclusion, I believe that helping families to live together and be closer to each other will ensure a stable and secure society, which will benefit the people and the host. This is called aSymbiotic relationship, one in which both the parties will gain.

Sample Task 2 essay from Roy

Task 2 Essay.
Some people believe that children's leisure activities must be educational, otherwise they are a complete waste of time.

Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your experience.

The idea that children's leisure pursuits must be educational to me is preposterous. In this essay, drawing from my childhood experience, I will explain why youngsters should not be made to spend their free time in learning something.
Modern education places immense pressure on passing axaminations and this involves a vast curriculum. In India, in addition to Maths, Science and Social Studies,pupils also have to study three different languages and that is no mean task. Keeping up with the studies itselt consumes a large chunk of their time. If the children again have to do something educational during their leisure time then the society is robbing them of their childhood. this is the period in an individual's loife when they should be free of stress, tension and such elements that will stunt their growth and development.
If our adolescents have to spend their pastime learning something then I fear leisure is no longer leisure. Giving them a break from studies and letting them have fun will only enhance their learning skills and ability. Studies have shown that young lads who spent their leisure time doing things that were enjoyable, fun and relaxing such as play, outdoor activities or even socialise with friends were more smarter than others who were involved in educational activity during their free time. The idea here is to let children enjoy this period called childhood.
I conclude with the lines of William Wordsworth's poem,"What is this life if full of care, if we have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs and stare as long as sheep and cows".

Roy's Results

Dear Sir and friends,

My IELTS results are as follows:

Reading -6.5
Overall- 7.5


Monday, April 17, 2006

Ten days that shook the world (your world)

Hello warriors!

Getting ready for your results (Roy and Shaziya)?

The final push for the 27/29 April candidates is looming! So where are you?

Mubs is mystified at your supine lack of response. Dr Rashid gave up a while ago. I am not surprised at how work, family and life take over in the absence of me growling at you!

I suppose you've been making study groups and working together in the Learning Zone - oh well done!

As you can see, I am back in circulation and am getting on with my life. I might well have a new IELTS class on 29 April (?), so I have time to respond to _______________________?????????????????? Hmmmmm!

So wake up and start blogging (again or for the first time!) Use blogmember account if necessary.

Bye for now

Come on you guys!

Tony Tiger Beale

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sample Task 2 essay from Roy + Tony's comments

Some governments say how many children a family can have in their country. They may control the number of children someone has through taxes.

It is sometimes necessary and right for a government to control the population in this way.

Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answers.


The idea of having governments control the number of offspring families can have is totally unacceptable. In this essay, I will show why I strongly (totally) disagree with government controlled family planning. (Note the strong, simple opening with a passionate position!!!)

To begin with, human beings are not merely statistics which can be increased and reduced according to the wishes and needs of the powers that be. People should be seen as assets and not as liabilities that strain the economy. The population of a nation forms its human resources. The fact that governments find the populace burdensome is an admission of their failure to provide their citizens with the basic necessities of life. Instead of groaning and moaning about the vast population, they should provide much needed food, shelter, education and health care. By doing this, they are investing in a workforce that is strong, healthy and educated who will form the backbone of the country's economy. (Roy justifies his opinions and outlines his argument - notice he does not feel required to give BOTH sides of the question.)

Family planning has its loopholes. In countries such as India and China the onus is on having a male child, this results in a great number of female foeticides, the result being a biased sex ratio. We all know about the deadly Tsunami that struck Asia. Many lives were lost especially young ones. The couples who had undergone operations to permanently disable their ability to procreate are in despair. Does the government have an answer for them? The population is the market, the labour force which is found lacking in developed countries. Empowering its citizens with education and securing them with food and shelter should be the key strategy of the nations. The countries that have a large population can always export their human resources to those in need and still have enough people. (It is getting quite radical here, but Roy gives specific examples of the negative aspects of family planning and even suggests an alternative solution.)

In conclusion, I would say that government enforced family planning is an encroachment on an individual's basic rights. The number of children any family should have, should only be decided by the father and mother. The government should not interfere with (keep its hands away from) the lives of the common man.

So IELTS warriors, there you have it - a four paragraph Model task 2 essay from Roy. He has implemented all my suggestions and adapted his approach to IELTS writing accordingly.

Roy does not make his argument too complicated. He uses short sentences effectively. I detect a strong moral position in his argument, but he does not play the religious card too heavily.

All in all, a super essay that deserves a very good IELTS band, don't you agree?

Oh yes, where are all the OTHER sample Task 1 and Task 2 pieces that you were going to submit?

Roy, you are a gentleman and a scholar! We really hope you get the excellent IELTS score that work of such quality merits.

Thank you very much!


Comments most welcome . . .

More on Writing for IELTS from Roymon


My plan for writing was, not to spend time planning task1, because it's only a letter with 150 words. On the other hand I spent about 3-4 mins planning for Task 2. In the beginning I could not get that many ideas. Then I remembered an article that I had read in Khaleej Times (quality newspaper - Tony) and scribbled it in my plan. Once the skeleton was in place I just went about putting some flesh and concluded it with a suitable skin.

So pals, the idea is to read newspapers, magazine, any good literature you come across. While planning for task 2 you should let your imagination soar and keep your pencil ready to jot it down. Sometimes you may get many good ideas, but don't be tempted to mention all due to the fact that all we need is 250 words and the time we have is 40 mins.

All said and done, we have to develop a reading habit which encompasses at least a moderate range of subjects.

All the best


Write the right Roy way for IELTS

Dear IELTSians,

For Task 1 writing we had to write a letter to a friend telling about my new job. 1) Reason for changing my job
2) Describe the new job.
3) other news.

The Task 2 essay : Some people say entertainers (movie stars, pop musicians, sports people) are paid too much money. Do you agree with it or not?

Which other category of jobs do you think should be highly paid and why?

Presumably you did Task 1 first or did you do Task 2 first? What is your advice, Roy?


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Useful website for General English

Dear Sir

Hope you're having a nice time with you dear ones.

Friends how about doing the grammar quizzes on

You could also use the dictionary and theasaurus.

Best regards


Roy on IELTS Reading

Hi IELTS players,

I am back to the blog. As you read this you may feel sort of deja vu, but it not so, it's what our teacher kept telling us. Don'y panic, if something is difficult leave it aside for later.

During the reading session I did find some questions quite puzzling, it was the True, False and Not given category. I remembered what our dear teacher had told us, MOVE ON and tackle it later. We had 23 True ,False and Not given questions, 10 multiple choice and 7 questions that needed some words from the text.

I am not not trying to scare you people, but just so that you may be prepared.

I am sorry for the misinformation about Shaziya, her venue was the alma mater and mine was the Rotana. A problem I faced was from a candidate who was interested in my answers. I simply avoided him and carried on with my task. [You could have reported this cheater to the invigilators!]

Hope this piece was useful, more on writing will follow.


IELTS - the right attitude

Hi friends,

Coming to the other aspects of IELTS my advice is to forget all your cares and worries life regularly offers. I was tempted to brood about the frustration of my job and the fact that this was my second time. Immediately I saw the trap and banished all the negative thoughts away. I would say, keep your mind fresh and heart cheerful.

I did miss one during listening, but praise God I did not panic, just move on, life is too short and so is IELTS. Remember what you have learnt, forget what you have achieved, this is another day and another battle.


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Roy on IELTS Speaking

Hello IELTS folks,

Roy here, I had my speaking on the 6 th, the rest on the 8th. By the grace of God Almighty it went well.

For speaking I had Mr Robinson a very friendly gentleman interviewing me. He wanted to know about my job, what I enjoy about it. Whether I felt people have become more noisy and in what way.

For the 2nd part I was asked to describe an important decision made by me and how it affected me. He gave me 1 min to scribble and 2 mins to go blah blah ......

Mr Robinson wanted to know about the qualities world leaders should possess, if the media was affecting their work.

More about Listening, Reading and Writing later.

Thanx so much for all the warm wishes and your patience.


Roy starting off on the blog

Hello Guys,

I have not come to grips with blogging yet. These are trial messages, if you can find it please comment. More will follow.



Hi Sir and the class of March,
This is Roy saying sorry for the delay.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Standing by for Roy...

Hello there!

Mubs and I have been waiting, all those good intentions... It's easier said than done, isn't it?

Roy completed his IELTS yesterday - he said it was a 'breeze'! Shaziya did not show up, unless she was lurking in the background!

I'm busy this week with my daughter Sheherazade, who is out from the UK on holiday, she's a Grade 4 teacher at a UK government primary school in our home town, Watford. Zeena is on Easter break too. So that means I'll be away in the Northern Emirates/East coast until late Wednesday or so. Anyway, there is no urgency, is there? You're all getting on with your stuff, aren't you?

The longer you leave it, the harder it will be to get into the blogging habit.

OK then, goodbye and good luck!


ROYMON, we'd really, really love to hear from you!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

**Am i knock knock knocking on the wrong door?**

hello people?
Anyone out there?

It seems like only Sir Tony and I visit this blog with hope and return nodding our heads in despair. Where are you all?. I hear that some of you are appearing in your exams this weekend, than how come you have not posted some of your essay's.

Are you afraid that you might be judged?.If that is what you think then do not feel that way.We all come here to rectify our language skills knowing that no one is a master.In addition, we gather here to inspire others-as a team and not individuals.

I hope you all know what you are getting into.Either you think of ielts as a piece of cake or maybe you are not thinking at all.

Ieltstears WAKE UP !!