
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Yet another sample essay from Mr 'band 8' Roy

Task 2

It is generally accepted that families are not as close as they used to be.
Give some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together.
Include any relevant examples from your experience.

The fact that families are no longer as tightly knit as they once were is become the global norm. This trend is so widespread in the developed nations to such an extent that families break up, at the same time it has made its presence felt in developing countries also. In this essay I will give some reasons why this departure from tradion has happened and also suggest how folks could be drawn closer together.

In the western countries the standard of living dictates that both the spouces have to work in order to meet their needs. They probably have to commute a long distance everyday which saps their energy. So the children are left alone during the day and even after the parents come back home they will be too exhausted to spend quality time with them. In the Gulf countries there are a large number of expatriates from the sub-continent who are forced to live alone due to economic factors. This is due to the unfair restriction placed on them by the qualifications of a family visa. In most of these cases the father is separated from his family geographically and his only means of communications is the telephone, postal mail or internet.

These problems faced by families can be solved if governments take a humane stand in planning cities, keeping the cost fo living to a manageable range, allowing expatriates to bring their families and so on. Allowing low cost housing facility closer to the business district will ease the problem of commuting. reventing the cost of living to spiral out of control, including that of education will allow mothers to remain at home and bring up the children. Nations that need to import skilled and unskilled workers, should ease rstriction in bringing their families. This will also be a boon to the local economy of the hostcountry. The working hours should be reduced and the working week be restricted to five days a week which, as a result will allow families much needed time to do things together.

In conclusion, I believe that helping families to live together and be closer to each other will ensure a stable and secure society, which will benefit the people and the host. This is called aSymbiotic relationship, one in which both the parties will gain.


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